Bank Account Verification

It’s Fast, Easy, and Secure!!

Bank Account Verification
As managers and owners of investment properties, it is important to protect your own portfolio by verifying your applicants and guarantors have not only the income but also the funds to ensure the fulfillment of your lease contracts!

What is a Bank Verification?
A Bank Verification is a product that enables consumer applicants to share their bank account information with a requesting party. Applicants will receive a secure email link inviting them to verify their bank access credentials with the option of selecting thousands of supported banks worldwide. With consumer consent, TenantReportX can then access critical bank account information in real-time and verify all income streams, traditional or non-traditional.

1. You Select the Level of Transaction Information from Applicant’s Bank Account From 90-Day Account History

Payroll & Self-Employment Income Payments + All Deposits:

  • Includes Payroll and Self-Employed Income
  • 90-Day Deposit History with Dates
  • Deposit Amounts and Totals
  • Proprietary Pay Stability Score

How can this be useful?
Thanks to technological advancements, more and more consumers are earning income outside of traditional 9 to 5 jobs. Therefore, it is essential to use all the resources available to verify Non-Standard Employment Income.

Verifying bank account information is essential to ensuring applicants and guarantors have the funds to pay rent.

Apps like Venmo, PayPal, CashApp, Google Pay and hundreds more allow consumers to earn income that can be difficult to verify. These individuals include:

  • Self-Employed Applicants
  • Part-Time Employees with Cash Income Deposits
    1. Servers, Bartenders, Hair Stylists, Cash Tip Earners
  • Retired Applicants & Guarantors
    • Collecting Pension, Retirement Funds, Settlements, etc.
  • Unemployed Applicants
    1. Receiving Unemployment, Disability, etc.
  • Independent Contractors (Uber, Lyft, 3rd Party Food Delivery Services, Amazon Delivery and many more)
  • Commissioned / Performance-Based Employees
  • Workers with Inconsistent Paystubs and Untimely Pay Periods
  • Those Who Earn Supplemental Income
  • International Applicants with No Work History to Show

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