Social Security Number Verification

A Social Security Number (SSN) Verification will help determine that your applicant is who they say they are, where they have lived, contact information, and help identify potential fraud.

What Comes in a Social Security Number Verification?

  • Address – all addresses associated with the Social Security number, current and former
  • Phone number associated with that address
  • Dates of residence – To and from dates in which SSN has been associated with that property
  • Date of when the SSN was issued
  • First, middle and last same of SSN holder
  • Date of birth (if it is reported)
  • All names that may be associated with the SSN, including any variances
  • State of issue
  • Valid / InValid
  • Checks against Death Master Index

How Can an SSN Verification Help Protect Your Property?

  • Reduce false positives or affirm hits on eviction reports and criminal background checks
  • Examine if the SSN is affiliated with any fraudulent activities, i.e. multiple names assigned to the SSN
  • Determine that the individual is who they say they are
  • See an applicant’s address history to check time frames of their length of stay


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Social Security Number Verification

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